The A320 and BCal - Part 4
We are now on to the 4th page of this enduring and fascinating delve into BCal and the Airbus A320.

Below we have a new photo pointed out by Ken Ede, my thanks for that

Also some additional images of F-WWAI that were tucked away here, which thanks to Ken, show the only A320 to have visited Gatwick.

But further down below is one more question too..........and its a good one too.

Any further replies and thoughts gratefully recieved, please email me

Also, did anyone undertake any training / work on the A320 delivery team ?

Dont forget to see the previous A320 pages - links below
From Ken Ede
The image above shows aircraft F-WWAI (001) at Gatwick with welcoming pipe band in Airbus house colours (at least on the port side), still with the code 135 from its attendance at the Paris Air Show earlier in the month.

Aircraft 002 F-WWDA was painted in BCAL colours on starboard and Air France on port but did not visit Gatwick (to my knowledge although in the circumstances that is unusual). It eventually went on to become F-GFKQ with Air France.
A few photos I found tucked away of F-WWAI with the BCal Shield on her fuselage
The next question is:-

One of our number recalls that they were invited to a reception in the Houses of Parliament back in the day and that an A320 was flown up from Toulouse and made a fly past over London, and along the Thames past Westminster and the Houses of Parliament, where it was watched by the BCal A320 team just on or around the BA merger.

I cannot find a photo of that occasion, but does anyone recall that day and also does anyone have a photo of it please ?

The recollection is that it was a BCal liveried A320, albeit possibly on one side only. But any and all information and thoughts welcome.