VC10s in Nairobi

If you have any photo's you can share or show on this site, please drop me a line anytime, email

G-ASIX in Nairobi G-ASIX in Nairobi G-ASIX in Nairobi
G-ASIX in Nairobi G-ASIX in Nairobi G-ASIX in Nairobi
Here we have some super photos of VC10's in Nairobi, Kenya

Now, we have images of 3 VC10's, all the 1103's with the large forward freight door (ASIW, ASIX and ATDJ)
G-ATDJ in Nairobi G-ATDJ in Nairobi
G-ATDJ in Nairobi G-ATDJ in Nairobi
BCal VC10 G-ASIW in Nairobi