The Tony Gargano Gallery

The following image was kindly sent in by Tony and I am pleased to show it here.

It is Tony's AB Initio course photo from April 1973

Any folks without names you recognise, please drop me a line anytime
Tony, has kindly written some notes and also many of the names of his fellow course members

Note the proliferation of “blokes”. BCAL was just launching the Transatlantic services to NY/LA & wanted at least 1 male in the cabin on each flight to appease the Americans who wouldn’t feel safe in the hands of girlies alone.

Little did they know the might of the BCAL hostie!

Left to right, back row. Apologies to those whose names I cannot remember or have mis-spelt.

Bill Rousell, Trainer & Chiefy. Davey Tickner  (had 4 kids back then), Ron ? (Ex British Midland). Rick Sargent (ex Royal Navy). Mike Woolvern (ex prison officer), Yours truly - Tony Gargano (aka Luigi), Martin Woolgar, from Worthing. John Fothergill?, Ian ----?, Roy Dodd (scouse scallywag). The lovely lass, Nan Harvey, was also a trainer but she only took us when Bill was hung over so didn’t see her too often.

Left to right - bottom row

Alan Lock (on whom Del Boy is based), Ray McCammond, John Jackman - A laugh a minute. The lovely Nicky Richardson, lived in Brighton. Bob McGrory, how did he get in the middle? I bet he remembers the name of the lovely blonde who was from South Africa. Another John? (Sorry). Joe Adams, ex customs officer. Keith Jackson, ex school teacher.

Great times, fondly remembered, sadly missed.

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British Caledonian - A Tribute