The Warren Funnell Gallery Pt 1

The following photos were kindly sent in by Warren, and I am pleased to be able to show them here.

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Many thanks Warren

More of Warren's photos soon

And thank you to Lynne Wilson, Gail Gilchrist, David Cooper and Alan Reeves for help with the names
This is the inaugural flight Gatwick - Oran, group photograph on the ground in Oran with the BAC 1-11 500. A few faces that I can recall are : 3rd from left standing is Ivan Vickers. 8th from the left is my boss, Chris Tear and next to him is M’d Gadiri, Manager Algeria. 18th from the left is myself, Warren. 

If you recognise any of the folks at 1st, 2nd, 6th (?), 10th, 14th, 16th (Jan Vickers?) and 20th from the left please drop me a line and I can add them in.
This was an agents familiarization trip to Oran (the route had been specifically set up to feed from the gas fields in the Oran region to Gatwick and then connecting onto to our service to Houston). I am the 4th from the left and the gentleman on the right was John Mann from the BCal press office.
This is me  (left) and Chris Gilbert at Prestwick Airport. Chris had flown over with our first DC-10, Robert Burns on the delivery flight whilst I had flown from Gatwick to Prestwick in the company PA 23 Aztec with Captain Eric Rowley. (The Aztec can be seen on the right).
Robert Burns at Prestwick
L-R: Kate Trickett and Jan Woolley
L-R: Kate Trickett and Jan Woolley
That is me atop the company Land Rover somewhere in Scotland!
On several occasions BCal sponsored the pit stop at the Copthorne Hotel for the London to Brighton vintage car rally where we, in the publicity department, always tried to take advantage of the event!
I was often tasked to taking care of Clyde the real, live BCal Lion mascot!
Warren recalls "On this occasion when I was on Lion duty with Clyde, we were holding a press conference at the Copthorne Hotel. All was very well and I had Clyde on the leash with my hand through the leather strap of the chain. Although Clyde was very used to people and a certain amount of disturbance his one weakness was the pipe band!

Shortly after the snap above was taken the BCal pipe band started warming up their pipes and a frightened Clyde took off with me being dragged across the lawns and through the rose garden. My shirt and pants were badly ripped and I was quite badly cut. Clyde relaxed a little when he reached the perimeter fence when he calmed down and had a sleep while I was taken to the clinic on the airport to be cleaned up."
British Caledonian - A Tribute