RSA Thames Trip - June 2017

Mel at the BA RSA LGW group organised a trip along the Thames which happened on 29th June, Greenwich to the Thames Barrier, than back to Westminster and return to Greenwich. Everyone had a good time with a bite to eat at the Thames Barrier

My thanks to Mel Sanders for organizing this and to Bob Cooper for sending in the photos

BA Retired Staff Association - The Gatwick branch has many former BCal staff and the RSA has useful pension & travel info too

The Gatwick group meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Crawley Jubilee Club from 2.00pm to 4.00pm:-
New and old members are most welcome.
Barbara & Geoff Lewis
Barbara & Geoff Lewis
Ron Archer
Ron Archer
Margaret & Dennis Sharpe
Margaret & Dennis Sharpe
Mel Sanders, Miles Davis, Brain Wassell & Bob Cooper
Mel Sanders, Miles Davis, Brain Wassell & Bob Cooper
Brian & Chris Wassell, Elaine & Bob Cooper
Brian & Chris Wassell, Elaine & Bob Cooper
Brian & Chris
Brian & Chris
its warmer than it looks .....I hope
its warmer than it looks .....I hope
Terry & Linda Jeffries, ? & ?, Peter Williams
Terry & Linda Jeffries, ? & ?, Peter Williams
Dick Chamberlain & Bob Cooper
Dick Chamberlain & Bob Cooper
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