RSA Gatwick : 20th June 2018

Some of the RSA Gatwick members at one of their regular gatherings, my thanks to Bob Cooper for sending in the photos / names from the event.

BA Retired Staff Association - The Gatwick branch has many former BCal staff and the RSA has useful pension & travel info too

The Gatwick group meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Crawley Jubilee Club from 2.00pm to 4.00pm:-
New and old members are most welcome.
Brian Wassell, Mel Sanders, Jim Williams, Ron Butt
Brian Wassell, Mel Sanders, Jim Williams, Ron Butt
Dick Chamberlain, Noel Peazold, Geoff Lewis
Dick Chamberlain, Noel Peazold, Geoff Lewis
John LeFeaux, John Silverlock, Charlie Newble
John LeFeaux, John Silverlock, Charlie Newble
Brian Gawn, Alan Joyce, Dennis Sharpe
Brian Gawn, Alan Joyce, Dennis Sharpe
Carol and Trevor West, Les Hawkins
Carol and Trevor West, Les Hawkins
John Constable, John Le Feaux, John Silverlock, Charlie Newble, Terry Jeffries, Bob Cooper
John Constable, John Le Feaux, John Silverlock, Charlie Newble, Terry Jeffries, Bob Cooper
RSA Members at the club on 20th June 2018
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RSA Summer BBQ - 8th Sept 2018 - Open to all Retired BCal / BA Gatwick staff - details here
British Caledonian - A Tribute