RSA 2017 Christmas Lunch

The RSA members Christmas Lunch was held on 13th December 2017

My thanks to Bob Cooper and Mel Sanders for sending in the photos / names from the event.

BA Retired Staff Association - The Gatwick branch has many former BCal staff and the RSA has useful pension & travel info too

The Gatwick group meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Crawley Jubilee Club from 2.00pm to 4.00pm:-
New and old members are most welcome.
Ron Archer, John Constable, Brenda & John LeFeaux, Brian Gawn
Ron Archer, John Constable, Brenda & John LeFeaux, Brian Gawn
Michael Barrell & Diane, Carol & Trevor West & daughter Carol
Michael Barrell & Diane, Carol & Trevor West & daughter Carol
Lynn Jeffries, Pete Williams
Lynn Jeffries, Pete Williams
Charlie Newble, Noel Peazold, Geoff Lewis & Barbara Lewis
Charlie Newble, Noel Peazold, Geoff Lewis & Barbara Lewis
Bob Dow, Dick Chamberlain & Pete Fagence
Bob Dow, Dick Chamberlain & Pete Fagence
Terry & Lynn Jeffries
Terry & Lynn Jeffries
Pete & Audrey Williams, John Constable, John & Brenda LeFeaux
Pete & Audrey Williams, John Constable, John & Brenda LeFeaux
Chris Wassell, Elaine & Bob Cooper
Chris Wassell, Elaine & Bob Cooper
Miles & Vivienne Davis
Miles & Vivienne Davis
Chris Wassell & Elaine Cooper
Chris Wassell & Elaine Cooper
Brian Wassell & Jim Williams
Brian Wassell & Jim Williams
Brian Wassell, Mel Sanders, Jim Williams
Brian Wassell, Mel Sanders, Jim Williams
Miles Davis, Brian Wassell, Vivienne Davis
Miles Davis, Brian Wassell, Vivienne Davis
Mel Sanders & the Lunch
Mel Sanders & the Lunch
Bob Cooper, Brian Wassell, Mel Sanders
Bob Cooper, Brian Wassell, Mel Sanders
Elaine and Bob Cooper
Elaine and Bob Cooper
Jim Williams
Jim Williams
Vivienne Davis, Chris Wassell, Elaine Cooper
Vivienne Davis, Chris Wassell, Elaine Cooper
Bob Cooper, Brian Wassell
Bob Cooper, Brian Wassell
A well attended gathering as always
Les Wright, Ron Butt and Bob Dow with many other guests behind them
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The table of raffle prizes
Dick Chamberlain
Dick Chamberlain
Brian Gawn
Brian Gawn
Miles Davies
Miles Davies
Brian Wassell
Brian Wassell
Jim Williams
Jim Williams
Charlie Newble
Charlie Newble
.........and some of the lucky winners
My thanks to all who organised and attended this super event
British Caledonian - A Tribute