BCal BAC 1-11 G-AWYS : 19th July 1972
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If you recognise any of the missing Engineers above, please drop me a line BCalatribute@outlook.com so I can add them in
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Here we have some photos taken by the late Pete Lucas. Pete was part of the team sent to recover and repair G-AWYS after she over-ran the end of the runway in Corfu. The photos came in from Pete's family via Bob Cooper.
G-AWYS in the shallow lagoon - access by boat or swimming to her
From the Pete Lucas Collection - www.british-caledonian.com
G-AWYS was successfully recovered, flown back to Gatwick and returned to service after a complete overhaul.
Below some of the team, left to right we have
Ron Polley, Derek Pack, Des Green, ??, John Faulkner, Bryan Tilbury, ??, Tom Scott, ?? and Pete Lucas
(my thanks to Ian Barber for many of the names we have to date)