BCal BAC 1-11 G-AWYS : 19th July 1972
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Following on from the Feature on G-AWYS and its incident in Corfu some more photos have come to light, please see these below. My thanks to Nick Harewood for passing on the colour images and the B&W image was found in a newspaper.
Also, from Jean Carlyle-Lyon, a recollection that Captain Lek Laskiewicz was also on a 1-11 in Corfu that day. He was having his lunch in the Flight Deck and he saw YS on her take-off run. He said to the F/O "I don't think she's going to make it". Then he said "And she hasn't! Come on, let's go and see what happened". With that he got up and ran off towards the accident
G-AWYS sits forlornly in the shallow lagoon just off the end of Corfu's runway
Another view of YS looking towards shore