The Christine Wakelam Gallery  (became Christine Felton)

Sadly Christine passed away suddenly on 22nd January 2015. She had kindly submitted lots of great photos many years beforehand, and I am pleased to show them and to remember Christine.

Christine worked on the short-haul 1-11 fleet and sent in a super set of photos, and also some of a 1986 gathering of No.1s.

A get together in Cabin Services for Shorthaul No1s in September 1986
Maggie Johnson and ...?
Maggie Johnson and ...?
Maggie Robert and Gerry Brough
Maggie Robert and Gerry Brough
Sandra Clegg, Jan Fielder, Ann-Marie Fagan and Liz Andrews
Sandra Clegg, Jan Fielder, Ann-Marie Fagan and Liz Andrews
Monica Houghton and Patricia Glen
Monica Houghton and Patricia Glen
Sandra Clegg, Chris Wakelam (centre), Ann-Marie Fagan
Sandra Clegg, Chris Wakelam (centre), Ann-Marie Fagan
Libby Shepherd
Libby Shepherd
Sandar Clegg, Jan Fielder and Ann-Marie Fagan
Sandar Clegg, Jan Fielder and Ann-Marie Fagan
Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts
Ethna Kenny Cabin Services Manager BCAL/BA
Ethna Kenny Cabin Services Manager BCAL/BA
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British Caledonian - A Tribute