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BUA Viscount G-APTB at London Gatwick
The Vickers Viscount was a British medium-range turboprop airliner first flown in 1948 by Vickers-Armstrongs, making it the first such aircraft to enter service in the world. It went on to be one of the most successful of the first generation postwar transports, with 445 being built.
Airlines in BUA's lineage were some of the first operators of the Viscount, Hunting-Clan ordered Viscounts in May 1953, Airwork in August 1954 and Transair in June 1955. Though Airwork's initial Viscounts were sold from the prosuction line to Cubana.
Though in all 14 Viscounts made it into BUA's fleet through merger and aquisition, and 13 of the type were being operated at any one time. The last Viscount left the BUA fleet in February 1970. Here we have some examples of them in BUA service.