The Buster Brown Gallery - Pt1
Photos from Buster's daughter Jackie Penticost

Sadly Buster passed away (July 2015) but his daughter, Jackie, has kindly sent on some photos from Buster's collection so that we can see them and I am pleased to be able to show them here.

These photos feature Buster and the team who built the 1979 Birdman of Bognor entry; wth Adam Thomson.
The plane took six months to build, had a 30 ft wingspan, and was made of aluminium and balsa covered with transparent film. 

The team are Keith Maxted, Mike Keely (designer of the machine), Richard Lyon, Mike Excell, Iain Lachlan, Mike Sugars, and Nick Guttridge. Tim Foxon, Alan Thomas, A Murphy and Alan Moffat hepled with the launch

The pilot was Mike Excell. Instead of running to get up speed, he walked to the edge of the platform and jumped off. With zero airspeed, he plummeted, the whole lot snapped and Mike fell out of the bottom.
Buster, with the cermonial champagne, Adam Thomson and the 1979 Birdman Team
The Team with Adam Thomson
The Team with Adam Thomson
Mike the sea is calling - next stop cold water
Mike the sea is calling - next stop cold water
Buster : Part 2
British Caledonian - A Tribute