G-BDLM - Preparing for the Royal Flight

Please, if you have anything you can share or show on this site, or worked in the team preparing one of the royal services

please drop me a line anytime, email Dave
Carrying the reigning Monarch is seen by many as one of the most prestigious flights any airline can undertake. The flights are undertaken by the nation's Flag Carrier, and British Caledonian was Britain's Flag Carrier to many parts of the world.

A large team work with Buckingham Palace many months in advance to organise the flights so they run smoothly, but there is just as large a group who help with the preparation of the aircraft itself. Below we have a few photos of some of those who helped prepare Lima Mike in 1980.


Members of Lima Mike's preparation team in October 1980
Above:- Catering loaders and maintenance staff involved with the loading of supplies:
Dave Edgar, Bert Willis, P Dalvaris, Brian Chilvers, Malcolm Summerhayes, Geoff Stevens
and Station Officer 4; John Sired
Below:- Engineers and maintenance staff involved with preparing Lima Mike:
M Kenny, Mick Williams (seated), M Bray and R Raynor.
Below:- F Willis and a shining Lima Mike
Above:- Kim White and Ray Fenny working on a passenger service unit in Lima Mike
Below:- Painters G Chapman, L Scott and R Hand spruce up Lima Mike
Below:- Making sure Lima Mike is shining, R Pannell, K Wells, T Sutton, J Shacker, R Packham and E Hollamby
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