The Nadine Pritchard Gallery (Now  Riley)

The following photo was kindly sent in by Nadine, and shows her AB Initio class, and I am pleased to show it here
If you can help with any of the names, please drop me a line anytime
Nadine Pritchards' AB Initio 19 - 1980

Back Row standing:
Liz Mellor, Claire ?, Nadine Pritchard, Veronquie Noel, Vanessa ?, Carole Spark, Sue Wright, Mandy Beg, Vicky Smith, Vanessa, Viven Hart and Linda Husbands

Front Row sitting:
Jo ?, Aureila Piper, Audrey McCluskey, Lisa Newton, Helen Tynan, Chris Carr, Cathleen O’Hara.

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British Caledonian - A Tribute