Joyce Davies
British Caledonian Auntie
1977 - 1988

Always interested in memories like the above, please drop me a line anytime

My thanks to Linda Roscoe for passing on Joyce's log book and poems

and to my Mum for typing up the log entries.

Here we have some super memories of Joyce Davies, a British Caledonian Auntie. The Unacommpanied Minor service started in 1971 and the Aunties, as they would be known, travelled with children all over the world; often working very long hours. Though they were incredilby proud of the work they did and discharged their duties with the utmost professionalism.

Here we have Joyce's log book from 1977 to 1988 and also some of her poetry, about the Auntie service, written afterwards.
The escort service started back in 1971,
With half a dozen ladies and hard work to be done.
And still we are together at the age of 21,
Hurrah for all the BCal ladies.
Glory Glory Hallelujah.

We still go marching on,
We cared for Unmins,
And also had some fun
Forget about the early shifts
And bags that weighed a ton
And getting through an 8 hour shift on just a sticky bun,
Hurrah for all the BCal Aunties.
Glory Glory Hallelujah.

We still go marching on.
We stood at Lagos airport
And sweltered in the heat
Waiting for the baggage and someone who would meet
The unmins we were left with while dying on our feet
Hurrah for all the BCal Aunties.
Glory Glory Hallelujah.

We still go marching on
And then there were the winters
When Gatwick closed its doors
Aunties in the offices
Sleeping on the floors
Who’s turn to meet the Lagos Flight?
Hard luck, Sunshine, it’s yours
Hurrah for all the BCal aunties.
Glory Glory Hallelujah.

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The Legacy

In years to come across the world, people will recall
About the time when they were young, and of their days at school.

They’ll smile and say remember when we travelled home to Mum.
The aunties who looked after us, didn’t we have fun.
Well here we all are once again.
We’re 25 years old
Remember when we flew around in planes, blue white and gold,
But now they’ve gone we still go on and we are here today,
To celebrate the things we did The Caledonian Way.

You’re on at five, you’re half alive,
The Lagos Flight is in.
You stagger to the baggage hall, and stand there with a grin,
Some for Heathrow, some Gat and other places too,
So off we go and sort them out.
They’re gone, thank you God, the Loo.

Down to Lagos, Oh what fun, the temperature so high,
You stand and wait at the passenger gate,
You’re here but wonder why.
At last you’re through, the unmins too, and everyone has gone.
Then to the hotel you can go and rest your weary bones.

But after all the memories, of smiles and tears we shared,
We did a job so very rare, it cannot be compared.
We’ve stayed in touch, that means so much,
And now let’s raise a cheer and get stuck in to food and drink,
In this auspicious year

And then they’ll tell their children too and the story will go on and on.
You’ll be remembered down the years like an old familiar song.

So hold your heads up and be proud, don’t let things get you down
Remember you’re the best of all, the jewels in the crown.
An extract of Joyce's very detailed log book
Here is Joyce's full log book; with lots of interesting bits and pieces, including a Dan Air 727 operating the West African Coastal Service for BCal
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