LGW - Hangar 1 Demolition
June 2013 - the final days
Please, if you have any photo's you can share or show on this site, please drop me a line anytime, email Dave
Following the 1st June update the demolition work continued, albeit slowly and Nick kindly continued to take a record of events. The central hangar door column held out for a while, but eventually thay came down......along with what very much looked like a TV aerial on top too.
But here are the photos that show the final days of the demoltion of Hangar 1........
BCal Hangar 1 : 2nd June
BCal Hangar 1 : 2nd June
BCal Hangar 1 : 3rd June
BCal Hangar 1 : 3rd June
BCal Hangar 1 : 6th June
BCal Hangar 1 : 6th June
BCal Hangar 1 : 7th June
BCal Hangar 1 : 7th June
BCal Hangar 1 : 9th June
Hangar 1 may now be gone, but here we end with a photo from back in the day, circa 1972.