Deirdre Drewett's 90th Birthday Gallery
Many happy returns to Deirdre, she turned 90 on the 21st March 2017, and had a birthday celebration attended by many friends and colleagues.
Around 25 gathered to celebrate the 90th birthday of BCAL colleague, Deirdre Drewett. Deirdre was Trade Exchange Officer in the airline’s Commercial Division and very well known across the company.
The photos were kindly taken by Glyn Genin, former Financial Times Picture Editor, who provided photographic services to BCAL. (Glyn was effectively the airline’s official chief photographer.)
The event was splendidly organised as a special surprise by Deirdre’s close friend and colleague, Viv Izzard, former BCAL Sales Support Executive, in liaison with Deirdre’s son, Bev Wilson.
The BCAL gang supplied bottles of bubbly to raise a birthday toast, or two, to Deirdre.
My thanks to Viv Izzard and to Tony Cocklin, who kindly sent in the news and the photos below
And many congratulations to Deirdre still flying high at 90!
Deirdre receiving a specially-framed air-to-air photo of BCAL DC-10-30 ‘David Livingstone’ taken by Glyn.
It was presented as a joint gift from Glyn and those pictured with Deirdre - from left to right: Chris Tear, Barry Prior, Martin Harewood, Chris Gilbert, Tony Cocklin. (Glyn’s not in the shot, as he was taking the pic! Rohan Alce, the other contributor, was overseas.) Glyn also had a special mug made with featuring BCAL tal fins and the word’s ‘Deirdre’s Mug’ as a personal gift from him and his wife, Hilary.
Deirdre with Liz Ross (left) and Sally Ann Beischer
The welcoming party as Deirdre is brought into the gathering for her birthday surprise