But we start with a couple of 1-11's looking a little bit lost in the vast space within Hangar 5 - usually the home of the DC10s.
The 1-11 is nosed into the DC-10 nose dock, the dock usually gives access into the DC-10's cabin doors.
BCal did Air Europe's Engineering Maintenance / Check work
Air Jamaica A310 in for Engineering Checks
Former Laker G-BELO off to ATA as N183AT
Former Laker G-BELO off to ATA as N183AT
A Brymon Twin Otter
Hapag Lloyd A310 in for Engineering Checks
The 1-11 of Sheikh Mohammed Baroom (1978-1987)
SLA, a long term involvement since BUA
SLA, a long term involvement since BUA
G-AXLL after arriving from Filton (ex-Faucett) in Jan 1984
Ex Airwork & Silver City Hermes, BUA / BCal CSU now on the fire ground
Ex Airwork & Silver City Hermes, BUA / BCal CSU now on the fire ground
D-ALFA soon to become G-BJRT
D-ALFA soon to become G-BJRT
Former BCal 707 G-BDLM now painted up as Worldways C-GGAB (early 1982)
G-AXLL "City of Aberdeen"
She was ex-British Midland (AXLL) then TransBrasil, then finally Faucett, she ended up stored in Lima for some 15months before being ferried to BAe at Filton in Oct 1983 and restored to the British Register in Dec 1983. Delivered to BCal in Jan 84 and finally flew in June 84 after reportedly much work being needed to bring her back to passenger use. My thanks to Richard Church, Dave Surry and Ian Macleod for their help in identifying this one.
The Dave Surry Gallery Pt 5
The following photos were kindly sent in by Dave and I am pleased to be able to show them here
This gallery features shots from around the hangars which includes some of the work of BCal Aircraft Trading and the Engineering Contract Services Unit.
BCal Aircraft Trading looked after the buying and selling of not only BCal's fleet aircraft but also those of other airlines around the world. The Contract Services Unit sold BCal's Engineering expertise, and engineering was undertaken for many carriers.