Crew / Staff Training

Course Photographs - Page 5

AB Initios
If you have a course photo, or any recollections of your course, please drop me an email and I will pop them online  too.

Click on the photos to open up the photo with the attendees names

I would be pleased to hear any missing names (surnames and / or first names)  if you know them please
AB Initio : June 1966 - Mary Robertson
AB Initio : June 1966 - Mary Robertson
AB Initio 1967 - Wendy Rae
AB Initio 1967 - Wendy Rae
AB Initio - April 1970 - Lesley Peacock
AB Initio - April 1970 - Lesley Peacock
AB 01- Jan 1972 : Thelma Riggans
AB 01- Jan 1972 : Thelma Riggans
AB 6 : 1972 : Elaine Deverson
AB 6 : 1972 : Elaine Deverson
AB 4 : 28th Feb 1977 : Mandy Lenanton
AB 4 : 28th Feb 1977 : Mandy Lenanton
AB Initio - April 1977 - Elvina Parker
AB Initio - April 1977 - Elvina Parker
AB Initio Nov 1977 - Sandie Bond
AB Initio Nov 1977 - Sandie Bond
AB 12 : August 1980 : Susie Douglas-Smith
AB 12 : August 1980 : Susie Douglas-Smith

My thanks to all the contributers for their photos and assistance

If you recognise any course members - please drop me a line and I can fill in their names

Your AB Photo can be here too

please drop me a line anytime
AB Initio - June 1984 - Constance George
AB Initio - June 1984 - Constance George