Crew / Staff Training

Course Photographs - Page 4

AB Initios, Check-in Inductions, VC10 Conversion & Ground Staff Induction
If you have a course photo, or any recollections of your course, please drop me an email and I will pop them online  too.

Click on the photos to open up the photo with the attendees names

I would be pleased to hear any missing names (surnames and / or first names)  if you know them please
Jean Carlyle Lyon - 1970
Jean Carlyle Lyon - 1970
Chris Wakelam - AB Feb 71
Chris Wakelam - AB Feb 71
Jenny Allen AB Initio 1971
Jenny Allen AB Initio 1971
Ros Byers - VC10 Course
Ros Byers - VC10 Course
Coreen O'Flaherty AB 1972
Coreen O'Flaherty AB 1972
David Plumb - 1972 Check-in Induction
David Plumb - 1972 Check-in Induction
Maureen Rogers & Helena McGowan - Aug. 1973
Maureen Rogers & Helena McGowan - Aug. 1973
Peter Fleming - AB 1973
Peter Fleming - AB 1973
Janet Simmons AB 03-1973
Janet Simmons AB 03-1973
Tony Gargano AB 04-1973
Tony Gargano AB 04-1973
Iona Williams AB May 1976
Iona Williams AB May 1976
Shelia Nutt - AB Course (May 1977)
Shelia Nutt - AB Course (May 1977)
Lyn Sollis  AB6 1973
Lyn Sollis AB6 1973
Patrick Pooler AB3 1977
Patrick Pooler AB3 1977
Chris Rogers AB - March 1980
Chris Rogers AB - March 1980
Jackie Plummer AB 1980
Jackie Plummer AB 1980
Nadine Riley AB19 1980
Nadine Riley AB19 1980
Kathryn Evans 1984
Kathryn Evans 1984
Alexandra ?
Alexandra ?
Lynne Wilson
Lynne Wilson
Gillian Clarkson
Gillian Clarkson

If you have any photos that we can add to complete this page or info on any missing names,
please drop me a line anytime

My thanks to all the contributers for their photos and assistance