1970 Apprentice Reunion : 3rd August 2018
I am pleased to say the 1970 Engineering Apprentice's reunion went off well on Friday 3rd August. The reunion, organised by Alan Beck, was held in Horsham and had glorious weather.
Alan says
The event was our first and although some of the guys have stayed in touch, for me it was 44 years since I had connected with the group. We managed to get 7 of the original 13 with myself visiting from NZ and Alan Smith flying in from Dubai and others journeying down from “Up North”.
Below we have a photo of the guys enjoying the sun in Paul Staplehurst’s garden and we all thank him and Val for being so generous in hosting us.
Left to right:
Andy Chalmers, Alan Beck, Martin Greenfield, Steve Herival, Paul Staplehurst, Alan Smith & Alan Barbour (front).